Agent Ace Slots: Thrills, Spins and Jackpots Await!

Jili Slot Agent Ace Overview

Agent Ace Overview

“Agent Ace” is a thrilling Jili slot game that launched in 2021. Step into the shoes of a daring secret agent as you chase down villains in this action-packed game. Get ready for a special twist – when a villain symbol appears, Ace Agent mode activates! This lets you transform those bad guys into WILD symbols, sometimes even with x2 or x3 multipliers for even bigger wins. The excitement doesn’t stop there! A free game mode guarantees regular Ace Agent action, letting you collect WILDs, swap symbols for Gold WILDs, and rack up those free rounds. Reach the top tier and you could double your score with a massive 1000X maximum multiplier. “Agent Ace” offers this high-octane adventure across multiple platforms and languages, ensuring anyone can join the chase.
Feature Description
Launch Year 2021
Theme Spy / Action Thriller
Highest Multiplier Up to 1000X
Special Features Villains transform into WILD symbols with x2 or x3 multipliers, Free Spin feature, Ace Agent activationt
Supported Platforms Windows, Android, Mac, HTML5
Supported Platforms Windows, Android, Mac, HTML5
Symbols Multiple including Chinese, English, Spanish, and more
Symbols Elephant head, Golden lotus, Gray lotus, Orange lotus
Unique Selling Point Classic gameplay with the potential for huge wins through a unique Wild symbol multiplier system

How To Play Agent Ace Slot Machine

Agent Ace game rules
  • Wins occur when matching symbols appear consecutively from left to right, starting on the first reel.
  • Wins are awarded by multiplying the win amount by your bet amount, then dividing by 25 (total paylines).
  • 25 paylines offer multiple winning possibilities.
  • Only the highest win per payline is paid out.
  • Malfunctions void the game round.

Game Symbols

The symbols in “Agent Ace” are your keys to adventure and big rewards. From the elusive Briefcase to the enigmatic Godfather, each symbol represents a piece of the puzzle. By landing the right combinations on the reels, you’ll unlock thrilling bonus features and the potential for exciting wins in this high-stakes slot game.

Agent Ace Free spin Symbol

Scatter Symbol (Bullet Time)

“Agent Ace” offers a thrilling free spins feature triggered by the “Bullet Time” symbol. Land enough of these symbols to start the free spins, and you could unlock the powerful Ace Agent feature for the entire round! Look for specific combinations of the “Bullet Time” symbol during your free spins to activate this extra boost.

Agent Ace Wild Symbol

Wild Symbol

The detective figure Symbol in the JILI spy slot game offers the highest payout of 25-50 times the stake.

Agent Ace spy bonus symbol

Spy Bonus Symbol

Symbol multipliers vary based on the number of major symbols present on each reel and are displayed below the icons.

Jili Slot PH God Father Symbol

Godfather Bonus Symbol

In the Agent Ace slot game, the drug dealer symbol gives the second highest payout, rewarding 10-40 times the stake. It may randomly trigger the Agent Ace feature, which changes all symbols to Wild.

Agent Ace Paytable

Symbol multipliers vary based on the number of major symbols present on each reel and are displayed below the icons.

Agent Ace briefcase symbol


5 times x 20 the bet amount
4 times x 15 the bet amount
3 times x 10 the bet amount

Agent Ace Gun symbol


5 times x 20 the bet amount
4 times x 15 the bet amount
3 times x 10 the bet amount

Agent Ace watch symbol


5 times x 20 the bet amount
4 times x 15 the bet amount
3 times x 10 the bet amount

Agent Ace: Ace Symbol


6 times X 1 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.75 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.5 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.25 the amount of bet

Agent Ace King symbol


6 times X 1 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.75 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.5 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.25 the amount of bet

Agent Ace Q symbol


5 times x 10 the bet amount
4 times x 5 the bet amount
3 times x 2.5 the bet amount

Agent Ace jack symbol


5 times x 10 the bet amount
4 times x 5 the bet amount
3 times x 2.5 the bet amount

Special Features

Free Game Features (Bullet Time)

Agent Ace Free spin Symbol

5 times X 15 rounds of free spins
4 times X 12 rounds of free spins
3 times X 8 rounds of free spins

  • When you play the game, you’ll see a symbol called “Bullet Time” on each reel. If three or more of these symbols appear on the field, you can enter a free game.
  • The more Bullet Time symbols you see, the more free games you can play, up to a maximum of 15 games. However, this symbol won’t appear in a free game.

Ace Agent

  1. In a normal game, player has a chance to trigger Ace Agent, which will change all Godfather Symbol on the field into Wild Godfather Symbols. 
  2. Double-time Wild Godfather Symbol and x3 Wild Godfather Symbol can substitute all symbols other than Wild Godfather Symbol and Bullet Time .
  3. Will 100% trigger Ace Agent spec during a free game!
  4. If there are x2 Wild Godfather Symbile and x3 Wild Godfather Symbol on the same line, the winning multiplier is “summed” accordingly.
  5. If 2 Bullet Time appears in the normal game mode, it shall trigger Ace Agent specs.


Step into the action-packed world of “Agent Ace” a high-stakes slot where thrills and rewards await! Chase down villains, transform them into WILD symbols, and trigger explosive “Bullet Time” free spins. Whether you’re a seasoned gambler or a newcomer to the scene, this game delivers an adrenaline rush with every spin. Protection Status
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