Explore Ancient Riches in Golden Empire Slot: Inca Treasures Await!

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Golden Empire Overview

Golden Empire is a online slot machine set in the Inca Empire. Players embark on a quest in the Temple of the Sun to uncover treasures. The game features variable discs and gold frames that can become wildcards. launched in 2021, it offers a multiplier of up to 2000X and supports 32,400 ways to win. The Free Spin feature provides unlimited multiplier accumulation.
Launch Year2021
ThemeAncient and wealthy Inca Empire, exploring the Temple of the Sun for hidden treasures and secrets.
Highest Multiplier2000X
Special Features
  • Up to 32,400 ways to win.
  • Gold frame symbols turn into wilds.
  • Free game with unlimited multipliers.
Supported PlatformsWindows, Android, Mac, HTML5
Supported LanguagesMultiple languages including English, Spanish, Japanese, and more.
SymbolsWild symbols, scatter symbols
Free Spin FeatureOffers unlimited multiplier accumulation

Game Rules

Ready to play? Here’s how this slot game works:

  • How to win: Match symbols on consecutive reels, starting from the leftmost reel. See the paytable for winning combinations.
  • Lots of winning possibilities: This game features up to 32,400 “megaways”, offering many potential winning patterns.
  • Calculating your winnings: Multiply your bet by the value of your winning symbol combination (check the paytable).
  • Biggest win counts: Only the highest paying combination per bet line is awarded.
  • Technical problems: If a malfunction prevents the game from finishing, the round is void.

Best of luck, and remember to always play responsibly!

Special Features

Golden Frame

  • The Golden Frame feature will only be visible on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th axles. Once the Golden Frame is removed, Wild cards, which can be eliminated multiple times, will take its place.
  • The numbers on the Wild cards indicate the number of times they can be eliminated. If the number is two or more, the Wild cards will not disappear but will decrease by 1 when won (eliminated).
  • If the number on the Wild card is one or a regular Wild card, it will disappear when won.
Golden Empire: golden frames

Free Spin Features

  • In Free Spin mode, the starting multiplier is X1, which is cumulative.
  • Each time a clearing occurs during a Free Spin, the cumulative multiplier is increased by one, and the multiplier at that point is applied to any bonuses from further clearings.
  • The multiplier continues to accumulate and does not reset throughout the duration of the
  • Free Spin session. To initiate the Free Spin mode, which consists of 8 rounds, players must obtain four Scatters.
  • Additionally, each Scatter beyond the fourth grants two additional rounds.

Game Symbols

Golden Empire incorporates essential symbols into its gameplay, significantly impacting the player’s experience. Wild symbols possess the ability to interchange with other symbols, creating opportunities for winning combinations. On the other hand, scatter symbols activate the game’s unique feature, the Free Spin bonus. Additionally, the game introduces gold frame symbols that eliminate themselves and transform into wild cards, amplifying the chances of substantial wins. These symbols are integral to Golden Empire, offering players diverse avenues to enhance their winnings.

Golden Empire wild symbol

Wild Symbol

Can substitute any symbol (except Scatter).
It will only appear on the second, third, fourth, and fifth axles.

Golden Empire scatter symbol

Scatter Symbol

In the standard game, landing four Scatters will trigger the Free Spin feature, which consists of 8 rounds. Each additional Scatter symbol collected will extend the feature by two additional rounds.

Golden Empire Paytable

The payout multipliers for various winning combinations are meticulously detailed below, offering a comprehensive reference guide. Explore the exciting rewards available in the action-packed world of Arena Fighter with this breakdown of potential prizes.

Arena Fighter symbol

Red Idol

6 times X 2 the amount of bet
5 times X 1.5 the amount of bet
4 times X 1 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.5 the amount of bet

Tiger symbol

Purple Idol

6 times X 1.6 the amount of bet
5 times X 1.2 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.8 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.4 the amount of bet

Bear symbol

Green Idol

6 times X 1.2 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.9 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.6 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.3 the amount of bet

Iron armor symbol

Blue Idol

6 times X 1 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.75 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.5 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.25 the amount of bet

Axe symbol

Gray Idol

6 times X 0.8 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.6 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.4 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.2 the amount of bet

Arena fighter ace symbol


6 times X 0.6 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.45 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.3 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.15 the amount of bet

Arena Fighter's K symbol


6 times X 0.4 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.3 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.2 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.1 the amount of bet

Arena Fighter's Q symbol


6 times X 0.2 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.15 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.1 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.05 the amount of bet

Arena Fighter's J symbol


6 times X 0.4 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.3 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.2 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.1 the amount of bet

Arena Fighter's 10 symbol


6 times X 0.2 the amount of bet
5 times X 0.15 the amount of bet
4 times X 0.1 the amount of bet
3 times X 0.05 the amount of bet

Free Spin Features

  • In Free Spin, the initial multiplier (accumulative) is X1.
  • In a Free spin, once the first clearing begins, the cumulative multiplier increases by one each time it is cleared, and the subsequent clearing bonus uses the current accumulated multiplier.
  • Multipliers do not reset in Free spin and accumulate until the game ends.
  • To play the Free Spin (8 rounds), win four Scatters. Every extra Scatter earns you two rounds.
Golden empire free spin feature

Game Rules

  1. According to the paytable, a bet line wins if it appears on consecutive reels from left to right.
  2. The maximum payline is 32400 megaways.
  3. Only the highest payout is calculated for each pay line.
  4. Winnings = Bet x Pay.
  5. If a problem causes the game’s outcome to remain undetermined, the game round will be considered void.


Golden Empire offers a captivating adventure set in the rich world of the Inca Empire, filled with hidden treasures and the promise of vast riches. With its high multiplier, extensive ways to win, and exciting Free Spin feature, it stands out as a must-try for fans of Jili Slot. Whether you’re drawn to the game’s theme, the chance to win big, or the innovative game mechanics, Golden Empire promises an unforgettable slot gaming experience.

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