Mega Ace Slot 2024: 1500x Wins Card Game-Themed Slot

Mega Ace slot game logo

Mega Ace Overview

Mega Ace is a thrilling JILI slot machine with a classic card game theme and a massive 46656 ways to win across its 6×7 grid. Get ready for stylish graphics, immersive sound effects, and the chance to win up to 1500x your stake. Multipliers up to x10 keep the excitement high in both the main game and free spins. For an even bigger thrill, activate the Extra Bet feature to boost your winning potential!

How to Play Mega Ace Slot Machine

  • Mega Ace offers 46656 ways to win.
  • Land 3 or more matching symbols on consecutive reels (from left to right) to form winning combinations.
  • Winning symbols disappear and are replaced, offering chances for additional wins.
  • To calculate winnings:
    – General Bet: Bet amount x Odds
    – Extra Bet: Base Bet x Odds
  • System errors that prevent determining the outcome will void the game.

Special Features

Discover the role of symbols in Mega Ace, including Golden Cards, Jokers, and regular cards, as they work together to create thrilling winning combinations.

Super Ace slot game Golden Cards

Golden Card

Golden Cards add an exciting element of surprise and boost your winning potential. These special cards offer several advantages:

  • Golden Cards appear exclusively on reels 2, 3, 4, and 5.
    When matched in a winning combination, Golden Cards transform into Jokers (wild symbols).
  • Golden Cards and regular cards of the same suit are considered matching symbols for winning combinations.
Super Ace slot game Joker Cards


    • Joker Types: Mega Ace features two types of Jokers:
      – Greater Jokers: These powerful wild symbols offer a special effect (explained below).
      – Lesser Jokers: These act as standard wild symbols, substituting for any other symbol (except Scatter) to form winning combinations.
    • Transformations:
      – Golden Cards -> Lesser Jokers: Matching Golden Cards turns them into Lesser Jokers.
      – Lesser Jokers -> Greater Jokers: Matching Lesser Jokers turns them into Greater Jokers.
    • Greater Joker Power: When a Greater Joker appears, it randomly transforms other symbols on the board into multiple Lesser Jokers. The number of Lesser Jokers created depends on the size of the original symbol that was transformed.

Free Spin Features

Super Ace free spin features
  1. To earn 10 free games, you need to collect three Scatters. For every additional Scatter, you can earn two more free games.
  2. During the free games, the Match Multiplier will be doubled, meaning it will be x2, x4, x6, x8, and x10.
  3. The Match Multiplier in the free games will work the same way as it does in the normal games, except that the numbers will be doubled.
  4. If you collect three more Scatter during the free games, you can get five additional free games.

Mega Ace Match Multiplier

Super Ace multiplier system
  • Multiplier Levels: The Match Multiplier increases through levels: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5.
  • Boosting the Multiplier: Each consecutive win within a single spin increases the multiplier for the next round.
  • Maximum Multiplier: The multiplier caps at x5 for the fifth and any further consecutive wins within the spin.
  • Multiplier Reset: If you don’t get a win during a round, the multiplier resets to x1 for the next spin.


  • Spin 1, Round 1: Win (Multiplier increases to x2)
  • Spin 1, Round 2: Win (Multiplier increases to x3)
  • Spin 1, Round 3: No Win (Multiplier resets to x1 for next spin)

Extra Bets

Super Ace extra bet

If you want to make additional bets, you need to pay 50% more than your original bet amount. This feature allows you to place extra bets.

With this feature on, the points you win from Extra Bets will be your initial bet amount times the odds.
In regular play, the multiplier for matches can go up to “2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x.” This means that each spin you make for the first time will begin with a 2x multiplier.
The Mega Ace Match Multiplier can reach “4x, 6x, 8x, and 10x” during free play. This means the multiplier for your first spin in each round starts at 4x.

Mega Ace Paytable

Explore the paytable to unlock the secrets of Mega Ace’s rewards by understanding its winning combinations and payouts.

Mega ace golden wild symbol
Mega ace wild symbol

The Scatter symbol cannot be replaced by any other symbols, but the Wild symbol has the ability to replace all other symbols.

Mega ace golden ace symbol
Mega ace ace symbol

6 X 2.5
5 X 1.5
4 X 1.25
3 X 1

Mega ace golden King symbol
Mega ace King symbol

6 X 1.5
5 X 1
4 X 0.75
3 X 0.4

Mega ace golden queen symbol
Mega ace queen symbol

6 X 1.5
5 X 1
4 X 0.75
3 X 0.4

Mega ace golden jack symbol
Mega ace jack symbol

6 X 1
5 X 0.8
4 X 0.5
3 X 0.3

Mega ace golden spade symbol
Mega ace spade symbol

6 X 0.5
5 X 0.4
4 X 0.3
3 X 0.2

Mega ace golden heart symbol
Mega ace heart symbol

6 X 0.5
5 X 0.4
4 X 0.3
3 X 0.2

Mega ace golden diamond symbol
Mega ace diamond symbol

6 X 0.3
5 X 0.2
4 X 0.15
3 X 0.1

Mega ace golden club symbol
Mega ace spade symbol

6 X 0.3
5 X 0.2
4 X 0.15
3 X 0.1

Mega ace golden nine symbol
Mega ace nine symbol

6 X 0.2
5 X 0.15
4 X 0.1
3 X 0.05

Mega ace golden eight symbol
Mega ace eight symbol

6 X 0.2
5 X 0.15
4 X 0.1
3 X 0.05

Mega ace golden seven symbol
Mega ace seven symbol

6 X 0.2
5 X 0.15
4 X 0.1
3 X 0.05

Game Rules

  1. There are a certain number of ways to win a prize.
  2. To win, you need to get at least three symbols in a row, starting from the left-most reel.
  3. Once you get a winning combination, the symbols that scored a prize will change and reveal new symbols, giving you more chances to score prizes.
  4. If you fail to score, your total score will be calculated. When you place a general bet, you can win points by multiplying the bet amount by the odds.
  5. For an extra bet, you will win points by multiplying the base bet by the odds. d
  6. If there are any errors, the game will not count as the system won’t be able to determine the game result.
Game rules of super ace


Mega Ace delivers a thrilling blend of classic slot excitement and modern features for massive win potential. Its stylish design and innovative multiplier mechanics will keep you glued to the reels.  Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, Mega Ace’s accessibility across platforms and languages invites you to try your luck and spin for the chance to win big! Protection Status
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