Super Ace on Jili Slot PH

Jili slot Ph Super Ace Overview

Super Ace Overview

Launched in 2020, Super Ace is an exceptional slot game that shines within the Jili Slot PH collection. By blending classic card elements with contemporary slot mechanics, it delivers an immersive experience to players through its innovative features and potential for substantial rewards. Super Ace is presented on a 5-reel, 4-row grid with an impressive 1024 pay lines, ensuring ample chances for winning combinations.

Launch Year2020
Game Configuration5-reel, 4-row, 1024 pay lines
Unique CardsGolden Card transforms into Joker Symbol, enhancing wins
Multiplier FeaturesCombo Multiplier (x1, x2, x3, x5)
LanguageEnglish and more
Free Game FeatureAwards 10 free spins, with potential for additional spins and increased multipliers
Game RulesWins awarded left to right; highest win per line; gameplay malfunctions invalidate all plays and pays

The Mechanics of the Golden and Joker Cards

In Super Ace, a distinctive aspect of gameplay is the incorporation of the Golden and Joker Cards. These special cards introduce unique dynamics and opportunities for players to enhance their winnings. The Golden Card, which can appear on the second, third, and fourth reels, transforms into a Joker Symbol when part of a winning combination, effectively substituting for regular symbols to increase rewards.

The Joker Card, emerging from the transformation of the Golden Card, exists in two variations: the Big Joker Card and the Little Joker Card. Each plays a pivotal role in the game by replacing other symbols and increasing the chances of scoring winning combinations, adding an exciting twist to the traditional slot experience.

Super Ace game mechanics

Super Ace Symbol

In the Super Ace game, various symbols play crucial roles that players must grasp. These symbols encompass the Golden Card, Joker Card, and Combo Multiplier, each offering distinct advantages to aid players in achieving significant victories.

Super Ace slot game Golden Cards

Golden Card

This unique icon graces reels 2, 3, and 4. When it becomes part of a winning combination, it metamorphoses into a Joker Symbol. This substitution for regular symbols boosts elimination rewards.

Super Ace slot game Joker Cards

Joker Card

Originating from the Golden Card, the Joker Symbol manifests in two variations:

  • Big Joker Card: This version can replace 1 to 4 symbols on reels 2 through 5, except the Scatter and Joker Symbol.
  • Little Joker Card: This results from a direct transformation of the Golden Symbol into a Joker Symbol.

The Joker Symbol serves as a wild card, substituting for all other symbols except the Scatter, injecting an additional thrill into the gameplay.

Enhanced Combo Multiplier Feature

Super Ace multiplier system

The Combo Multiplier feature enhances the excitement of the game:

  • Within the main game, the Combo Multiplier advances through levels x1, x2, x3, and x5 for every elimination.
  • The multiplier begins at x1 and rises with each successive win, resetting to x1 when no winning combinations occur.

Free Game Feature

Super Ace free spin features

When 3 or more Scatter symbols land, it triggers the Free Game feature:

  • Players are awarded 10 free spins, with Combo Multiplier levels boosted to x2, x4, x6, and x10.
  • Extra Scatter symbols during Free Games can provide additional spins, with a maximum of 15.
  • The Free Game follows the same rules as the main game but offers heightened multiplier levels.

Super Ace's Symbols & Paytable

Super Ace offers a detailed paytable, ensuring every spin is brimming with potential. The game showcases various symbols, each with its payout value:

  • High-Value Symbols: These exclusive themed icons promise generous rewards. Landing five of these symbols can cause significant payouts.
  • Standard Symbols: These are traditional card symbols (such as Aces, Kings, Queens, etc.) that provide moderate payouts.
  • Wild Symbol: The Wild symbol in Super Ace holds remarkable power. It can substitute for all symbols except the Scatter, greatly enhancing the chances of achieving winning combinations. Its appearance on the reels can transform an unsuccessful spin into a profit.
  • Scatter Symbol: This symbol activates the Free Game feature and cannot be replaced by the Wild symbol. Scatter wins are commonly multiplied by the total bet and added to the pay-line wins.

Each symbol combination offers a specific payout, escalating the amounts based on the number of matching symbols aligned on the pay lines. The game’s paytable delineates the value of each symbol combination, furnishing players with precise insights into potential winnings.

Symbols of Super Ace

Mega ace golden wild symbol
Mega ace wild symbol

The Scatter symbol cannot be replaced by any other symbols, but the Wild symbol has the ability to replace all other symbols.

Mega ace golden ace symbol
Mega ace ace symbol

6 X 2.5
5 X 1.5
4 X 1.25
3 X 1

Mega ace golden King symbol
Mega ace King symbol

6 X 1.5
5 X 1
4 X 0.75
3 X 0.4

Mega ace golden queen symbol
Mega ace queen symbol

6 X 1.5
5 X 1
4 X 0.75
3 X 0.4

Mega ace golden jack symbol
Mega ace jack symbol

6 X 1
5 X 0.8
4 X 0.5
3 X 0.3

Mega ace golden spade symbol
Mega ace spade symbol

6 X 0.5
5 X 0.4
4 X 0.3
3 X 0.2

Mega ace golden heart symbol
Mega ace heart symbol

6 X 0.5
5 X 0.4
4 X 0.3
3 X 0.2

Mega ace golden diamond symbol
Mega ace diamond symbol

6 X 0.3
5 X 0.2
4 X 0.15
3 X 0.1

Mega ace golden club symbol
Mega ace spade symbol

6 X 0.3
5 X 0.2
4 X 0.15
3 X 0.1

Mega ace golden nine symbol
Mega ace nine symbol

6 X 0.2
5 X 0.15
4 X 0.1
3 X 0.05

Mega ace golden eight symbol
Mega ace eight symbol

6 X 0.2
5 X 0.15
4 X 0.1
3 X 0.05

Mega ace golden seven symbol
Mega ace seven symbol

6 X 0.2
5 X 0.15
4 X 0.1
3 X 0.05

Game Rules: Super Ace Slot

Super Ace follows the traditional rules of slot gaming, providing an engaging and straightforward experience:

  • Winning Direction: Wins are awarded from left to right, starting from the leftmost reel and moving across adjacent reels. This standard method in slot games ensures precise and consistent winning patterns.
  • Highest Win Rule: Each line pays out only the highest winning amount. If multiple winning combinations are on a single payline, only the highest win is granted.
  • Combo Multiplier: Super Ace introduces a unique feature with its Combo Multiplier, enhancing potential payouts in both the main game and Free Games.
  • Malfunction Clause: Consistent with gaming norms, any gameplay malfunction invalidates all pay and plays. This rule is essential for upholding fairness and integrity within the game.

By combining these classic slot rules with innovative features, Super Ace offers a gameplay experience that is both familiar and refreshingly thrilling. Players can pursue significant wins with confidence in the game’s adherence to established gaming principles.

Game rules of super ace


Super Ace from Jili slot game combines classic card games with modern slot machines. Enjoy unique features, big prizes, and lots of ways to win. Dive into the world of Super Ace for a fun gaming experience that mixes old and new, keeping you entertained for hours. Protection Status
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